Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog stats update and adsense revenue

The chart below shows a continued upward trend through January.

Graph of Blogger page views

Here are my January daily views.

Graph of Blogger page views

20,000 page views???

According to Blogger I reached 20,852 page views during January which is my highest total ever. I don't know how accurate that number is as I sometimes have a giant spike in the middle of a day that seems like a false reading. In any event, the trend continues to move higher each month so that is pretty cool. Another thing that I have noticed is that my daily views rarely fall below 500 and average around 700 views a day. Again these blogger stats are probably a bit inflated, but the trend is heading up.

U.S. concentrated readership

Recently I I have noticed that most of my visits (about 75%) are from the United States so I decided to add the Translator gadget to my blog so if anyone outside the U.S. stops by they can read it in their native language. This seems to be working as I have noticed Europe is turning greener on my audience map. Surprisingly I have very few people from Canada visiting my site. To be honest I'm not really doing anything to try and increase traffic. I view the visits I receive as random and am thankful to those who periodically stop over.

This was my first full month using AdSense and I had a pretty good month earning over $20 in January. The exact amount was $20.55.

Sometimes I think the amount is too small and insignificant, but then I realize that my first dividends received back in early 2012 was pretty small also. I will probably keep the ads alive as I hate to leave any potential income on the table. After all $20 a month is like a year's worth of dividend income from a $10,000 JNJ position. After thinking about it like that I'll go ahead and keep the ads and hope they grow in the future!

So far in February I've made $7, so maybe I can hit $25.00 in month number two. We'll see.

I have been playing around practicing with the HTML button and now I realize it is not as bad as I kept thinking it was. I try to learn a new function here and there although I noticed my graphs still have a black background, but that is cool. There are more important things in this world to focus on than graph background colors.



  1. Congratulations on the continued success MDP! That spike in the middle of the day is interesting - perhaps everyone on their lunch breaks wants to get their fill of MDP!

    Best of luck exploring html and seeing what sort of customization you can add.

    1. W2R,

      Thanks. I think the spikes come from sites like vampirestats. But regardless of the unusual blips, the trend has been upward.


  2. Wow that's some pretty hefty numbers there MDP.

    1. Captain,

      Thanks buddy! Your site sends quite a few visitors my direction. Onward and upward!


  3. Hey Div Pipeline, thanks for sharing this. I've just added Asdsense to my site. It's been 1 week. We will see how it goes. I think I've earned 1$ so far... ha ha. I will bookmark your blog.

    1. JohnnyCa$h,

      Good luck with Adsense and thanks for the bookmark.


  4. That's stats are amazing! I'm envious of everything about this post haha. Like the post above, I've brought in about $2 for a month worth of blogging. You'll be happy to know that most of my traffic sources come from your blog. I'm not exactly sure how that happened but you continue to be at the top week after week.

    1. ADD,

      Glad I can send some traffic your way. I have you on my sidebar so that probably explains the additional visits.


  5. Hi MDP,

    Thanks for sharing the info. That's an impressive amount of views compared to mine. I'm on around 9,000 a month. Weirdly though I'm earning about a £1 a day or £28 a month. Not sure how that works out with less views and and more money, especially when considering the currency difference. In any case, onwards and upwards to the pair of us!

    From over the pond

    1. Huw,

      I can't explain my ad revenue other that you are probably have a better display than I do. Once I was able to successfully install the ads, I stopped while I was ahead.


  6. MDP,

    Trying to dominate both dividend income AND the blogosphere? Nice job cracking 20,000 views in a month AWESOME. And now you're earning on your blog. Great stuff MDP, keep that ball rolling.


    1. Lanny,

      It's all about world domination and then intergalactic domination! Muhahaha


  7. MDP,
    Given the steady traffic you are experiencing, you might want to try experimenting with some display ads that pay-per-impression to compliment the Google pay-per-click ads. Regardless, nice job!


    1. DWC,

      As sad as it sounds I really don't want to make any changes right now as I had a difficult enough time getting the current ads to fit and display properly. I have thought about maybe some affiliate ads, but I will wait to see if my traffic builds up a bit more.

  8. MDP,

    That's an awesome first month of AdSense! It may be small now, but that number will definitely grow over time just like most other sources of income. Keep pushing out great content and that $20 will turn into 100s pretty soon!


    1. F2R30,

      $100 would be insane. Right now $50 seems like a massive challenge. We'll see how things progress.


  9. Great job on the views and the passive income. I am sure it will continue to grow as time goes on. How long have you had adsense?

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer

    1. DD,

      I started using adsense around Christmas 2014. Hopefully I can steadily increase the income. Right now $50 a month would be awesome to reach.


  10. Congrats on the continued success. Awesome stat on both the page view and adsense.

    1. Tawcan,

      Thanks. Hopefully both will continue to to head upwards and to the right!


  11. MDP,

    Congrats on the numbers. Great idea on the translator gadget!

    - Gremlin

    1. Gremlin,

      Yeah, I noticed Dividend Sammler had one on their site so I started searching the gadget options and sure enough it was there. I have noticed a more diverse audience since the installation.


  12. MDP,

    Nice job on the blog growth, my friend. I've noticed that, much like dividend growth investing, blogging success is exponential. Keep at it!

    Best regards.

    1. DM,

      Steady forward progress is certainly a good thing. Thanks for all your continued support!


  13. Hi MDP,
    This is very much deserved. Keep up with the good work...The spike at noon may very well be from me :-)

    1. LTI,

      Thanks for the kind words and for the noon spike! :-)


  14. That's nice set of stats and congrats on the growth in traffic. $20/month in ad revenue is a great start and something that is only going to grow from here. When you look at it like you mentioned - $20/month is equivalent to about $8000 investment yielding about 3%, it definitely looks great. And it is only going to increase going forward - possibly faster than a dividend :)

    Unfortunately I am on and don't have an option to have adsense on my blog....

    1. DGJ,

      I am pleased with the first full month of Adsense. I think I have to wait until I earn $100 before I received my first payment. Any and all passive income is great so I hope it continues to grow going forward.


  15. Those are some fantastic numbers! Have you given thought to getting off the free platform?

    1. Evan,

      I have and probably will sometime in the future. My computer skills are pretty limited so the thought of some major change over to a new website and host is pretty scary for me. I really never expected much readership when I started a year ago so the blogger platform seemed easy to use since it was just kind of a journal.


  16. Great progress! I don't monetize my site at all (also, I'm very far away from 20,000 views). If I did, I'd be happy with $20/month. At least it would pay for my hosting :)

    1. Felix,

      Thanks! It is a lot like dividend investing. A little more progress each month.


  17. Hey MDP,

    I would highly recommend you install Google Analytics on your blog for more accurate analytics. Because Blogger is a google product they make it pretty simple, all you have to do is sign up for the analytic's account and plug the code in on Blogger. Then you will have all the stats you could ever imagine.

    Let me know if you need any help.


    1. GYFG,

      Thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by!

