Wednesday, July 5, 2017

June 2017 Dividend Summary

Here are the dividends I received from last month.

  • PFE --- $123.70
  • XOM --- $112.67
  • RDS-b --- $103.40
  • BP --- $101.43
  • MAT --- $76.57
  • TGT --- $72.92
  • WFC --- $65.88
  • GM --- $63.35
  • VFC --- $61.37
  • SO --- $53.73
  • JNJ --- $45.50
  • TROW --- $43.52
  • GILD --- $43.10
  • QCOM --- $41.85
  • UL --- $38.04
  • MSFT --- $32.58
  • NEA --- $16.63
  • MET --- $16.12
  • EMR --- $14.64

Total dividend income in my taxable account  $1127.00.

That was a great month!! 

Now for the other news...

Things at work have become very complicated and with new upper management changes are happening almost daily. Most likely I will be demoted and half my salary cut in half. That's option isn't anything to cry about as I still would be making six figures.

The other two options are I am fired or I choose not to work in an unbearable work environment. Because of these new circumstances, I decided to liquidate my entire portfolio. I now have about $400,000 sitting in cash. I also still have about $320,000 sitting in my 401k which is invested 65/35 in S&P 500 and Vanguard bonds.

Since I am 46 right now, I may actually be financially independent. I will see how thing play out over the coming months and will make a decision about whether or not I get back into the market and how much I will invest. 

Stay tuned!!


  1. I was wondering why you were so quiet. Change brings opportunity, and sounds like you are positioning yourself with a big safety net. My safety net target is $2 million, but that is likely higher than I will ever need. Best of luck, as I know you will make the right decision. Cheers!

    1. Anonymous,

      The right decision now is to just step back and try and figure out the next few months. I'll likely get back into investing once I remove the work stresses from my life!


  2. Great month of income.

    Just like Anonymous said. Changes brings opportunity. I hope everything works out for you.

    1. FV,

      I just need to get the courage to make the leap! I hope to do so soon.


  3. That was an impressive total for the month of June. As always, it's nice seeing many names in common paying us and that PFE is (was) a large payer for you as I just started a position in that name. That being said, it will be interesting to see what you decide to do with your job going forward. I have to say, following your investing journey these last few years have been "exciting." There has been a lot of action between your two total liquidations and rebuilds. I have a feeling you'll be building up that dividend portfolio sometime down the road. Thanks for sharing.

  4. dang man another liquidation ! i can see your view point on it i always check your blog because as a 25 year old dividend investor your agressive buying always keeps me motivated so hate to see you stop but hope everything works out !

    1. AG,

      I'm glad I can provide some motivation. When I encounter stress situations in my life, I like to remove limit the number of things I have to focus on. Right now I need that cash cushion to offset the work place stresses. I'm sure once I unplug, I'll get back to investing again!!


  5. Awesome month. You've been on a buying spree and it's paid off. It will be interesting to see what you do in the next few months. If you roll your 401k over to an IRA, you'll be able to double your monthly dividend income overnight. Exciting!

    1. IH,

      I'll probably let the 401k roll and keep growing and use that money in 15 years and live off my cash and side hustles.


  6. MDP,

    UHM HOLY SHIT. GOOD LUCK and Keep us posted. That's all - we're here for you MDP, let us all know if you need anything or need to bounce any ideas/thoughts. Hell - write about it if that's what you'd like!


    1. Lanny,

      I appreciate the support buddy! I may write about life post "grindlife".


  7. Wow! You really come out swinging with these massive life changes haha. No indecision in you. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find what's next soon!

    1. DS,

      I do decide and pull the trigger quickly. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it blows up in my face. Thanks for the well wishes!!


  8. Whoah...hope things go as you hope. At least you have a nice next egg which provides you with some options, rather than be left with no choice at all. AFFJ

    1. AFFJ,

      Having options is priceless. I already am sick of my job and will be doing something fairly soon.


  9. Excellent month for you. But... wow it does not sound great on the work front? Perhaps time for semi retirement? Work and retire part-time each? Decisions, decisions....

    1. BHL,

      Work sucks right now. I hate being here and have never felt that way before. Semi-retirement, 1 year hiatus, work at a coffee shop 20 hours a week. Who knows? Right now my happiness level is 0 so I have to figure things out fairly quickly.


  10. MDP,

    Wow, great month, but bad news. Hopefully you sort it all out. Considering those totals, you probably can go the retirement route if you wish. Good luck whatever you choose.

    - Gremlin

    1. DG,

      I would imagine everything will clear up in the next few weeks to months. Either way, I'm good. I considered just not getting out of bed this morning.


  11. Wow now thats dividend income. Nothing to compared to my two figure dividends :D Now thats a interesting turn. You sold your wholr portfolio and bow have 400k$ at hands... If life sucks just take the money and go to plece like island in carabians or maybe soulth europe like Portugal of Greece. Best place to retire ;)

    1. Project2035,

      I'm fortunate to be in the situation I am in! The way things are going at work, I consider retiring every morning when I wake up! I'll most likely put in a few more months and then do something on my own.


  12. Hello
    Do you wait any market crash in the short future? I love your blog and hope you will build your portfolio again!

    1. Anonymous,

      I don't know about any market crashes in the future and have never market timed. If one occurs, I'll certainly considering investing again!


  13. Wow job uncertainty sure does stink but in the long run if you do leave your job you will be well off for awhile. Get some side hustles or if you can do odd jobs you will be ok.

    1. d&h,

      I agree. Even if I just put the cash in 2% cds, that's $8k a year which would extend the draw down a few extra years. I'm feeling pretty good about the financial side of things!


  14. MDP,

    I hope everything works out for you. You are sitting in a pretty good spot with a huge pile of cash to do what you wish with. I'll stop back by and see what happens. I've had a lot of changes myself but am trying to get back on track. I wish you the best!

    1. AAI,

      Yeah I just stopped by your site and saw that. Congrats on the new baby! I can't wait to see what else has been going on with you.


  15. Crazy amount in your taxable account. I'm not even over $200 there on my best months, but I'm working on building it up. It's only $55000 of my $400,000 in investments so I can't really complain. You however are hitting it out of the park, congrats!

  16. DD,

    Thanks!! It sounds like you are on a great path as well! Keep it up!


  17. Best of luck at work MDP. Six figures is still a pretty good salary and plenty high enough to still save and invest. Hopefully the market tanks and you can go all in.

    1. DFG,

      Would love to see a market collapse. I'm already thinking about buying shares of T and VZ!


  18. You however are hitting it out of the park, congrats!

