Here is last of my past due updates. At the end of July my net worth ended at $1,017,133. The trajectory since March 2020 has been straight up. Unbelievable movement!
While I'm excited about making the $1,000,000 mark for a second straight month, It's most likely going to be short lived as I am about to buy a pool. The payments ($50,000ish) will be made over the next few months. If I have a really good back half of the year, I made hold the $1,000,000 mark, but realistically the S&P 500 would have to add to it's 18% gain and finish up close to 25-30% for me to hold the line.
No matter...I have been enjoying my life like never before and sometimes you just have to say "Fuck It"
IRA --- $13,597
Net Worth
Jan 31, 2020 --- $923,180
July 31, 2020 --- $923,038
Nov 30, 2020 --- $956,268
Dec 31, 2020 --- $969,595