Saturday, January 25, 2020

December 2019 Passive Income

Here is the passive income I received from both taxable and retirement accounts.

Taxable Account

  • ABALX --- $869.21
  • Amegy CD --- $509.11
  • XOM --- 40.02
  • KHC --- $16.00

Retirement Account

  • 65/35 S&P 500/Bonds --- $1645.05

Total November 2019 passive income is $3079.39

Well that's a wrap for 2019. Exceptional year on all fronts and I am more than pleased with my monthly passive income for December as well as the year.

December was a big month for my mutual fund ABALX and the $869.21 does NOT include the end of year capital gain distribution. It is strictly the income amount. My CD income dropped and will continue to drop again this month as I have reduced the balances and the rates have reset lower.

Considering I only received $56 from individual stocks I feel good about clearing $3,000 across all accounts.

I have been added shares back and consolidating to my JPM account and hope to create the same yearly income for 2020 as I did in 2019. I have work to do.



  1. MDP -

    You should show the YTD income as well! Think that would be great for readers to see. Plans for the cash? High Yield savings or 13 months and less CDs?


    1. Hey Lanny,

      You can find my yearly income totals on my Dividend spreadsheet tab. I actually have cut back a bit on CDs. I still have about $250k in CDs (50k reduction) and will likely at some bonds and low beta stocks like utilities or consumer staples (CL yields around 2.5% and should have solid dividend growth as well).


  2. Hi Dividend Pipeline, great to meet a fellow dividend blogger. I'd like to send you a quick email for a blogging collaboration if you are interested, I can be reached here: kanwal [at] simplyinvesting [dot] com

  3. Fantastic work. Looks like you have some winning income here. Keep up the excellent work!

    1. BHL,

      I'm certainly trying. Investing right now is a bit challenging with the market swings. Also I'm not quite as aggressive as I have a high enough net worth and really don't need to subject myself to the possibility of multi-year bear markets. I welcome them and would love to invest in them, I just don't want to divert too much from my retirement fun focusing on a portfolio with a heavy equity component.

