Friday, July 8, 2016

Recent Buy --- DEO

Today I added to my position in DEO.

  • DEO:  14 shares @ $112.72 --- Yield  3.05%

Total capital invested is $1584.99 and this purchase will add $48.16 to my yearly dividends.

What a difference a couple of weeks can make. I bought my last 15 shares a $103 and DEO like pretty much everything else has skyrocketed. This isn't a super cheap price, but I do like nibbling on a defensive position that I plan on holding for years to come. 

My plans are still to keep adding to names I own in small chunks each month while unloading with both barrels when opportunities like Brexit surface.

Forward dividends are approximately $2650.



  1. Nice purchase MDP. It's climb hella high again. Would love DEO around the 100.
    We will have some good pullbacks coming the presidential election so let's save our ammo.
    Cheers bro.

    1. Hustler,

      Man I hope you are right about the pullbacks. Every day it just keeps hitting new all time highs. Gotta try and stay patient buying small chunks here and there.


  2. MDP, DEO is trading a little higher than i would like - but it is a good purchase to squeeze yourself into a position. At the moment, the market is a little crazy so making small nibbles is the way to go.

    1. Div Son,

      Squeeze is the operative word. It's so damn hard trying to add to positions. There aren't many sectors that are down right now. Utilities and telecoms are down just so slightly, but they are coming of a hell of a run this year. I'll keep nibbling for now.


  3. Nice buy and love seeing you grow that pipeline of passive income so quickly. DEO is a great name and has been with me since I started my DGI portfolio. Plan to keep it for the foreseeable future too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. DivHut,

      Thanks for stopping by. As you well know, there are very few decent opportunities available. Even energy companies are on a tear despite relatively low oil prices. I'll nibble here and there for now.

