Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 2016 Recap ---- Goose egg edition

Well f$#%, like April my dividend total for July was $0. That is not the best way to start out the back half of the year. Oh well, I will keep planting seeds and the dividends will come in time.

Today was my last day to hopefully receive some sort of dividend payment, but when I opened my Sharebuilder account, I noticed the VZ (August payment) was sitting there. At least August is starting off with a bang!

Just for reference, here are the results from last July. Wow a 100% drop....I have shitload of work to do. I keep changing my 2016 dividend goals and now I am thinking $3500-$4000 by year end. I wish PM and T would break down and come back to more reasonable levels, but those rascals have been damn resilient. I'll keep adding here and there and am ready for a massive drop that I still believe will happen as we get closer to the election.

Anyway here is the summary of investments I made in July.

  • M --- $3483.70 
  • RDS-b --- $2008.92
  • NEA --- $1607.12
  • DEO --- $1584.99

Total July capital invested in my taxable account is $8684.73 and should add $420.76 to my yearly dividends.

Forward dividends are around $3200.



  1. MDP,

    Sometimes - it doesn't matter what the income is in the current month if you have MASSIVE contributions as you did during that month. $8.7K of income producing assets adding $421 forward? Kidding me? Sick, just sick. Congrats and looking forward to your August & September, big time. Let's GOOOO.


    1. Lanny,

      Thanks for the perspective! Yeah, I almost don't even want to know which months the future dividends will appear. I am just planting seeding seeds, know that they will sprout in the future.

      Take care!


  2. MDP, excellent job with your investments. I am sure your future months will yield some income.
    Cheers D4s

    1. Div Son,

      I am certainly counting on it! It would be nice to have some oversold sectors appear for us. Right now the investing environment is damn tough!


  3. As you said, keep planting those dividend seeds for future monthly income. No biggie getting a goose egg month when you have deployed some serious capital over the last few months in many different stocks. Your passive income pile is moving along just nicely. Thanks for sharing.

    1. DivHut,

      Thanks for stopping by and keeping it real! I almost don't want to track the dividends received (results) and would much rather focus on the investments made (activities). The dividends are just the by-product of the month and month investing activities.


  4. No need to worry about this month as you invested capital to provide you with plenty dividends to come. It is always hardest when you are now beginning, like myself, as we do not have the capital to get everything we want. Compounding will take care of itself and in 5 years time you will be posting a lot of income!

    1. MB,

      Pump priming is not fun. Drinking the water that comes later is. I have to remember this simple concept. I plan to prime that pump month after month!


  5. That is a ton of invested capital in one month. Way to go! You'll be crushing your goal with that kind of momentum. Onwards!

    1. PID,

      Thanks for the encouragement! I look forward to seeing the dividend increases a year from now.


  6. MDP,

    That happens. However, look at your forward situation; it appears to kick ass and you have the means and will to push it forward. Congrats and enjoy the success.

    - Gremlin

    1. Gremlin,

      Thanks, my friend! I do plan to keep pushing it forward each and every month from here on out. I've got a long way to go to reach last year's levels, but I will get there!


  7. Month by month doesn't matter too much, as you saw when VZ paid out the next month. That's a major contribution though, gonna be fun once those start paying off!

    1. Mr SLM,

      Absolutely! The results will come as I continue to plant, cultivate, and harvest. A year from now will look much different from today without a doubt!

