Friday, August 5, 2016

First August Purchases --- MET & Shell

August is here and it's time to keep adding to the pipeline.

  • RDS-b:  35 shares @ $52.59  Yield 7.15%
  • MET:  40 shares @ $41.08  Yield  3.89%

Total capital invested is $3497.68 and the combined yield is 5.59% and will add $195.60 to my yearly dividends.

I was tempted to buy shares of BMY on a huge drop today. I already have 300 shares of PFE and a position in GILD, so I opted to add an insurer to further diversify the portfolio. I will watch BMY over the coming weeks and may still initiate a position. The yield is now around up to around 2.4% and looks pretty attractive here.

Other positions that I am eyeing closely are T, SO, PM, BA, PG, and TIS.

Forward dividends are $3400.00.



  1. MDP, glad you are back at it! Think Shell buys are good here and will look great in a few years. I have been adding as well and dont think they cut the dividend. We are probaly part of the 1% of the country that wants oil at $100 barell and buy gas at $5 gallon and smiles each time we fill up!

    1. AA,

      Thanks, brother! You are right about $100 oil. Shit, I'd take a steady $50 at this point. LMAO

      It's all good. Oil companies are used to these boom/bust cycles and will rebound eventually.

      It's good hearing from you and keep shoveling coal in the furnace!!


  2. MDP -

    What's another $200 add to your portfolio ? CHump change for you at this point. Just murdering it out there.


    1. Lanny,

      Thanks, bud! I'm just a couple of T, PM, and SO purchase away from $4K in forward dividends. I can see me hitting that in the next month or so! I'm back in the game and am having a hard time keeping my foot off the pedal.


  3. Hi MDP,

    Don't you consider RDS to expensive right now? I do own quitte a lot of shares and did add some earlier this year but at the current valuation I wouldn't consider them a screaming buy.

    Mrs. Moneypenny

    1. Mrs.Moneypenny,

      I don't think Shell is a screaming buy right now either, but it has a great yield and oil prices seems stable right now. If oil falls back into the 20s again, the price will plummet again. I wouldn't mind actually as I currently have little oil exposure.


  4. I have been looking at shell but also a few others. But am looking to see if I can get in on some others on a dip so no telling what my next buy will be as it sometimes changes daily
