Friday, June 17, 2016

Castle wall construction continues --- DEO & KO

Today I opened a position in DEO and KO.

  • DEO:  15 shares @ $103.02 --- Yield  3.34%
  • KO: 40 shares @ $44.47 --- Yield  3.15%

Total capital invested is $3337.90. The combined yield is 3.22% and will add $112 to my yearly dividends.  I wouldn't say KO is particularly cheap here, but it never hurts to add some shares each year. I started with a relatively small position and will add more on weakness.

I almost bought DEO around $100 a couple of days ago, but went with Wells instead. Both DEO and KO are fairly defensive in nature and should be reliable payers for years to come. 



  1. MDP,

    Fricken sweet. I wish I would have scooped up more DEO when it was at $100; hoping it drives back to that price point, as I think it's a steal. It's a steal under $105; with strong branding. KO = no explanation necessary. Nice purchases.


    1. Lanny,

      Thanks, my man! I hear you with the $100 price range. I should have jumped on in it a few days earlier. Anything in the low $100s looks pretty solid and I will hopefully add to the position sooner rather than later!

